
Is in the deep movie trailer 2016
Is in the deep movie trailer 2016

Kate is injured and her blood is attracting more sharks. Lisa uses the spear from the spear gun to pull a tank toward her and dons it, getting more air. As she returns to the cage, she is attacked and (presumably) devoured by a great white shark. Kate finds three flares to signal the coast guard. He also warns that the second tank may cause nitrogen narcosis, which can lead to hallucinations. He sends air tanks down and tells them the coast guard is an hour out. Kate tells Taylor they are low on air and Lisa is trapped. The spare cable is attached but it also snaps and the cage sinks back down, landing on Lisa's leg and pinning her. Lisa takes his spear gun and the winch cable and swims back to the cage. Javier attempts to usher her back towards safety but he is killed by a great white shark. Lisa becomes disoriented about her position. A shark tries to attack her but she avoids it. With Kate low on air from the previous swim, Lisa swims out to get Javier's attention. Both women are running out of air but soon see a flashlight in the distance. He advises them to stay in the cage because the sharks are close by. Johnson) will be coming down with a spare winch cable to attach to the cage. Kate swims up seven meters to resume communication with Taylor, who tells her that Javier ( Chris J. They are soon surrounded by great white sharks but the cable breaks, and the cage sinks 47 meters below the surface to the ocean floor and out of communication range with the boat. Taylor sends Lisa and Kate down, with masks that allow them to talk to him on the surface and to each other. Unbeknownst to everyone, the cable supporting the cage is fraying. They lie to Taylor and tell him that Lisa is experienced.

is in the deep movie trailer 2016 is in the deep movie trailer 2016

Kate is a certified diver, but Lisa is new to diving. At the docks, Lisa is wary of the boat and its owner, Captain Taylor ( Matthew Modine). They decide to go watch sharks from a diving cage with two local men. Sisters Lisa ( Mandy Moore) and Kate ( Claire Holt) are on vacation in Mexico after Lisa's boyfriend recently broke up with her.

Is in the deep movie trailer 2016